ECDSA Verification

GenericExample 1Example 2
1. w = s-1(mod n) = 1317(mod 19)
= 3
2. u1 = e w (mod n) = (8)(3) (mod 19)
= 5
3. u2 = r w (mod n)
= (10)(3) (mod 19)
= 30 (mod 19)
= 11
(x1, y1) = (u1 ⨯ G) + (u2 ⨯ QA)
ephemeral public key matches, therefore verifies.
= 5 ⨯ (5, 1) + 11 ⨯ (9, 16)
= (9, 16) + (6, 14)
= (10, 6)
var w = BigInteger.ModPow(s, curve.n - 2, curve.n);            // s = Signature part 2 of 2
var u1 = BigInteger.ModPow(e * w, BigInteger.One, curve.n);    // e = Message Hash
var u2 = BigInteger.ModPow(r * w, BigInteger.One, curve.n);    // r = Signature part 1 of 2

ECPoint u1G = curve.Multiply(u1, curve.G);
ECPoint u2QA = curve.Multiply(u2, QA);                         // QA = Public Key = K = (K_x, K_y)

ECPoint vP = curve.PointAddition(u1G, u2QA);
// x1 = r
Console.WriteLine("X is the same: {0}", vP.X.Equals(K.X));