

SI Unit: ampere
SI Symbol: A

SI Base Unit: A

Water Analogy: current, rate

`A = C / s`

Think: number of buckets per second


SI Unit: volt
SI Symbol: V

SI Base Unit: `(kg*m^2)/(s^3*A)`

Water Analogy: pressure


SI Unit: watt
SI Symbol: W

SI Base Unit: `(kg*m^2)/(s^3)`

Watt => power consumption, "demand"

`A * V = W`

1 horsepower = 746 Watts

power x time = energy

`W * s = J`

`W = J / s`


SI Unit: ohm
SI Symbol: Ω

SI Base Unit: `(kg*m^2)/(s^3*A^2)`

Ohms (resistance)


SI Unit: coulomb
SI Symbol: C

SI Base Unit: `A*s`

1 C (coulomb) = 6.24 x 1018 e (electrons)

Think: 1 bucket of electrons


Energy unit is joule (J)

`J = W * s`

`J = (kg * m^2) / s^2`

10 x 100-watt light bulbs => 1000 watts = 1 kW "demand"
for 2 hours => "consume" 2 kWh

12 amps at 240 volts => 2,880 watts
12 amps at 120 volts => 1,440 watts

1/12 of an hour = 5 minutes
2,880 watts for 5 minutes => 240 watt-hours (0.24 kilowatt-hours)
15.5 cent per kW => $0.0372

60 miles per hour = 60m/1hr
2 kW at,for 2 hours = 4 khW

kWH measures energy. Joules measures energy. kWH and Joules measure the same thing.

kWH (energy) is the same thing as Joules (energy)

`1 kWh = (1000 * W * h) = (1000 * W * h)*((60m)/(1h)) = (1000 * 60 * W * m) = (1000 * 60 * W * m) * ((60s)/(1m)) = (1000 * 60 * 60 * W * s) = 3600000 * W * s`

`1 kWh = 3600000 J`

Q & A
  1. Why do LEDs use amps, but lightbulbs use watts? (750W)
  2. Are resistors on the negative or positive terminal? Is either fine?
  3. Why don't batteries use amps?
  4. What is kilowatt-hour?
  5. What is reverse voltage?
  6. What is forward voltage?
[["Device", "Voltage", "Frequency", "Wattage", "Amperage"], ["LED", "3.1 V<br />3.3 V", "", "<i>0.0155 W<br />0.0627 W</i>", "0.005 A<br />0.019 A"], ["light bulb", "120 V", "60 Hz", "14 W", "0.230 A"], ["toaster", "120 V", "60 Hz", "900 W", "<i>7.500 A</i>"], ["heater", "120 V", "60 Hz", "1500 W", "12.500 A"], ["microwave", "", "", "", ""], ["dishwasher", "", "", "", ""], ["refridgerator", "", "", "", ""], ["washing machine", "", "", "", ""]]
Battery Type Voltage Notes
AA 1.5 volts
AAA 1.5 volts 1850
2300 mAh
AAA 1.2 volts 850 mAh 85 mA for 16 hours, Duracell Rechargeable
AAA 1.2 volts 500 mAh
9-V 9 volts kWh
Socket 120 volts
Not PluggedPlugged
Volt122.3 ~ 122.9122
Amp0.000.26 ~ 0.36
Watt0.019 ~ 23.2
Hz59.9 ~ 60.059.9 ~ 60.0
PF1.000.47 ~ 0.52